Свято-Екатериниский Кафедральный Собор

Parish Social Center


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Parish Social Center

Dear Brothers and Sisters! The Cathedral of St. Catherine has a Parish Social Center.

The center sets providing various aid to the parishioners of the Cathedral by the hands of the parishioners themselves.

If you have difficulties, need help and support, feel free to contact us. We are open daily, from 10.00 to 13.00. 

(administrative building, 2nd floor. Right above the library)
Or call 262-52-36

If you can offer any kind of help to the parishioners, please let us know!

We need: medical specialists, lawyers, car owners, volunteers for general medical care, craftsmen (electricians, sanitary technicians, etc.)

Even if you can offer voluntary help with the laundry and house-keeping to a feeble and sick person, you can be of great use!

By rendering feasible help to our neighbor, we unite into the Orthodox family!

2011-01-13  |  Print version


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